Best Home Remedies to Reduce Joint Pain Naturally

Best Home Remedies to Reduce Joint Pain Naturally


Joint pain can be felt when the signals are transmitted to the brain through the nerves when triggered in any specific joint location. It can be bothersome due to stiffness, inflammation, pain, and joint irritation.


Joint pain can arise in the short term lasting for a few days maximum going up to a week, a few months or continuously for several years. Sometimes, you can feel the pain in the morning after you wake up and then the pain disappears with the progress of the day.


In most cases, it is the wear and tear of the cartilage that arises with increasing age along with deficiency of Calcium and Vitamin D and different bone-strengthening minerals, lifestyle disorders and genetic background.

There are certainly best home remedies to reduce joint pain :

Body Massage

Applying Panchakarma Massage to the affected area will relieve inflammatory pain and stiffness. Pain-relieving medicated herbs are packed inside the linen potlis and boiled in any medicated oil and massaged on the affected area.


It improves blood circulation and reduces the cramps and blockage in the muscles and bones and stimulates flexibility and easy movement.

Hot and Cold therapy

Hot therapy

You can use a hot water bag and place it on the painful joint location or take a warm bath or lie down with any electric blanket. Such techniques will bring warmth and comfort and stimulate blood circulation.


Cold therapy

You can have a pack of ice wrapped in a towel or cotton cloth and administer it to the swollen and painful joints. Redness, pain and inflammation will automatically disappear and you will experience good sleep without getting interrupted by pain.


A bioactive compound that is often seen in chili peppers is another pain-relieving substance for aching and swollen joints. You can find this bioactive compound in ointment and creams which are available over the counter.

Methi seeds 

Methi seeds have been a part of Eastern cuisine and medicines ever since a long period.  It has been found with enough bioactive compounds to control different disorders in the body.


Soaking Methi seeds in a glass of lukewarm water and drinking would relieve you from joint pain occurring in any location of your body.  It is the influence of linolenic acids and linoleic acids in Methi seeds that would aid in countering inflammation and controlling rheumatoid arthritis.


The curcumin compound present in Turmeric restores relaxation, flexibility and pain-free mobility in the joints.


Either in the form of tea by adding honey or lemon or with milk combined with a pinch of black pepper or mixed with water, you will surely overcome mild to severe pain in joints. And that would be better than any painkiller.  

Eucalyptus oil

Clinical studies highlight the fact that eucalyptus has a natural potential to bring relief from inflammatory joint pain conditions. It would aid in further altering the conditions of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


You can experience a soothing sensation and relaxation from your painful joints once when eucalyptus oil blended with coconut oil is applied. It would not cause any side effects.

Unrefined raw bee wax

There has not been enough evidence to prove that unrefined raw beeswax would increase cartilage in the joints but it would restore joint health and functions with its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects.


You can blend the melted unrefined raw beeswax with any carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil and massage it gently to experience soothing and pain-relieving effects.


A powerful herb that would relieve toxins existing in the joints and stimulate control over swelling and pain in the affected area.


You can blend 1 to 3 gms of Manjistha with honey or warm water twice every day to reverse your highly inflammatory, painful and weak joints.

Sarja Rasa or Gum Resin

It is used in healing different disorders in the body in blended form with different or direct herbs.


As in the case of any joint disorder, it is applied topically to smoothen the stiffness, sores and gout and stimulate relaxation and warmth replacing the inflammation and discomfort. 


It will stimulate blood circulation, repair the connected tissues and bring mobility to your stiff joints and that would enable you to proceed with your daily activities conveniently.


Camphor oil has been found with cooling properties and which would be highly beneficial for your arthritis. It would not only cure your inflammatory joints by enhancing synovial fluid and stimulating lubrication in the stiff areas of your affected joints.


It would serve as the best ayurvedic oil for muscle pain by awakening its sensory nerves.

Organic Sesame oil

Many prefer cooking food with Sesame or Til oil because it has amazing properties to boost the recovery and redevelopment of bones.


Even the doctor suggests using Organic Sesame oil as the joint pain oil by massaging it in a circular motion.  It will also aid in repairing the tissues connected with tendons.


You can use protein and anything rich in Omega 3 fatty acids to boost cartilage and joint health.


Eating fish or consuming its oil, chicken, eggs and to a certain extent mutton, lentils, beans, cruciferous vegetables, tomatoes and any form of berry fruit, dark chocolate, garlic, seeds and nuts will contribute warmth, comfort and flexibility to your troublesome joints and bones. Stop eating fast food, and refined cereals and control drinking alcohol or any caffeine beverage.


Eating wholesome cereals and using olive oil, mustard oil or Sesame oil will relieve pain and revitalize joints and muscles. 

Physical exercise

Avoiding exercises like jogging, jumping and running would be a better step for recovery from joint pain and muscle cramps. These exercises happen to be high impact and can worsen your joint pain and inflammation.


If you are recovering from fractures in the joints or bones or cramps in muscles and joints in any location then try light and gentle stretching exercises. You can get support from any of your family members in the process of recovery from fractured conditions and cramps and stiffness and inflammatory conditions.


Apart from practicing low-impact brisk walking and swimming, you can also take restorative yoga lessons from any certified yoga instructor.  At home, you can try the leg up the wall pose to improve flexibility in your joints and ease your stress levels and regulate your nervous system. You will remain physically active throughout the day. 


A common problem, joint discomfort can be brought on by cartilage deterioration, vitamin D insufficiency, lifestyle issues, and genetics.


Body massages, heat and cold treatment, eucalyptus oil, capsaicin, methi seeds, turmeric, unrefined raw bee wax, manjistha, Sarja Rasa or gum resin, organic sesame oil, and healthful cereals are some of the home remedies for joint pain.


These treatments can enhance joint health, increase blood circulation, and reduce inflammatory pain. Omega 3 fatty acid and protein-rich diets can also be beneficial. Low-impact workouts, family support, and physical activity would stimulate progressive effects on your existing pain and spasms in muscles and bones. 

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